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【雙語能源】能源科技創新 energy technology innovation

南方電網報  發布時間:2022-04-15 00:00:00


  China has unveiled a five-year plan, from 2021 to 2025, on energy technology innovation to propel green growth and digital transformation of the energy sector. The country will focus on developing new technologies to render a more efficient, cost-effective and reliable supply of renewables such as wind, solar, biomass and geothermal energy, according to the plan jointly released by the National Energy Administration and the Ministry of Science and Technology.


  ● 煤化工產業潛力巨大、大有前途,要促進煤化工產業高端化、多元化、低碳化發展,把加強科技創新作為最緊迫任務,加快關鍵核心技術攻關。

  The coal chemical industry, as a sector with huge potential and good prospects, must be transformed into a high-end, diversified and low-carbon industry. Sci-tech innovation is the most pressing task and efforts must be accelerated to achieve breakthroughs in key and core technologies.

  ——2021 年9 月13 日,習近平在國家能源集團榆林化工有限公司考察時的重要講話

  ● 科技攻關要堅持問題導向,奔著最緊急、最緊迫的問題去,從國家急迫需要和長遠需求出發。

  Scientific and technological research should apply a problem-oriented approach, address the most urgent and pressing problems, and start from the urgent needs and long-term demands of the country.

  ——2021 年5 月28 日,習近平在兩院院士大會和中國科協第十次全國代表大會上發表重要講話


  可再生能源(renewable energy)、能源綠色低碳轉型(a green-oriented transition of energy)、關鍵核心技術攻堅(achieve breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields)



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