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中國電力網發布時間:2024-03-01 14:27:26


The flue gas cleaning project of agricultural household waste incineration power generation project in Changchun city, Jilin province, which was constructed by our company, passed 72+24 hours trial operation on November 02, 2023.


The project has a total designed daily incineration capacity of 1,600 tons of domestic waste per day. It will be constructed in two phases. The first phase has a designed processing capacity of 800 tons per day. It is equipped with two 400t/d grate-type waste incinerators and has an annual processing capacity of 292,000 tons. The processing capacity of the second phase project is 800 tons/day. The flue gas treatment adopts the flue gas cleaning process of "semi-dry method (rotating spray reaction tower) + dry method (injection of calcium hydroxide) + activated carbon injection + bag dust collector + fly ash transportation", which is our EPC project.

華星東方在吉林省的業績涵蓋包括:吉林、吉林舒蘭、通化梅河口、長春農安、長春德惠、長春一期、二期、三期、松原等多個項目。Jiangsu Huaxing East’s performance in Jilin Province includes multiple projects such as Jilin, Jilin Shulan, Tonghua Meihekou, Changchun Nong'an, Dehui, Changchun Changchun phase I, II, and III, Songyuan, etc.


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